What is bewindvoering?


Are you losing the overview and are you aiming for a good financial administration? With the administration and budget management we offer you a solution, so that you have more time for the carefree side of life. We are aware that problematic debts bring a lot of tension and uncertainty. Together we work towards a stable and debt-free existence.

How administration helps

In some situations, people may need extra help and support in arranging money and property management. Think of debts, addiction problems and dementia. Administration can be a solution in such situations. Administration is a measure whereby the financial administration is handed over to an administrator appointed by the court. The administrator is responsible for paying the fixed costs, writing to creditors and relevant authorities and filing tax returns. The administrator also checks whether other sources of income, such as allowances, can be used to supplement the income.

During the administration, the person concerned receives a monthly living allowance in a separate account. Groceries and other personal expenses can be paid for. We are accountable annually to the court, which monitors our work in order to guarantee the quality of the administration.

More information?

If you want more information, contact us! We will be happy to inform you more, and of course, without any obligation or costs.

Postbus 32314

 2503AA Den Haag


085 – 060 14 06

